Beading Workshops

Experience the medicine of beading with friends at The Beads Knees' private studio.

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About The Artist

Mel Beaulieu (they/them) is a member of Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation, living and working in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Mel blends traditional craftsmanship with developing technology - crafting intricate beadwork and transporting it into the immersive landscapes of augmented and virtual reality. The result is work that serves as a testament to the fluidity of gender and identity, the resilience of tradition, and the endless possibilities that arise when innovation and culture converge.

Mel's creativity serves as a celebration of connection to the natural world, the profound ties of family, and the links we are between past and future. 

To keep up with Mel's work, you can follow them on Instagram @the.beads.knees

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Tools of The Maker

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